Agios Thomas latest reviews and complaints

     Αγιος Θωμας - olive oil product

Ask local sellers for the extra virgin olive oil. Collected and produced locally in the visinity of Agios Thomas at Tanagra municipality. Also availliable at the neibouring villages Read more

     Αγιος Θωμας -

Ah! my village Try for more inf. Greek and English language info about Agios Thomas Tanagras. History and local news, pictures and actions Read more

     Αγιος Θωμας - Cave park at Agios thomas

try tthe cave with the wreath. On th east of the viilage. Also the Liataniotisa chapel. Agios Thomas at Tanagras municipality. If you have a bicycle try a trp to Saint George chapel Read more

     Αγιος Θωμάς Βοιωτίας - landscape

the other side of Parnes mountain. Enjoy with your bycycle. Read more

     Αγιος Θωμας - Typical Main Greece village

lovely village with interesting things to do around Read more